Monday - Thursday: 09:00-17:00
Friday: 09:00-15:30
Please call us
+49 (0)911-13136893
Below you can find a helpful summary of the required social media formats. In general you should upload a png or jpg file.
Summary of all sizes:
profile image: at least 180 x 180 px
cover image: 820 x 310 px
profile image: at least 110 x 110 px
profile image: 400 x 400 px
cover image: 1500 x 500 px
profile image: 165 x 165 px
profile image: 800 x 800 px
cover image: 2.560 x 423 px (1.546 x 423 px are always visible)
You can find all of these information in this helpful infographic of t3n:
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